vnc ssh tunnel for remote graphical support
I was doing remote internet support the other day for a friend in England - here’s how I connect remotely to the person’s desktop in graphical mode, using vnc and an ssh tunnel.
I was doing remote internet support the other day for a friend in England - here’s how I connect remotely to the person’s desktop in graphical mode, using vnc and an ssh tunnel.
I’ve just setup the venerable [denyhosts][1] on one of my servers, to stop the usual script-kiddies from filling up my logs (I’m not particularly worried about them getting in.).
A little ssh error I came across while trying to work remotely on an Ubuntu machine. [ssh X Display Forwarding][1] wasn’t working, and I was getting an error:
A script I wrote – rsyncp. It allows you to provide a password to rsync over ssh, when you’re unable to use ssh key-based authentication:
If ssh logins are taking a long time (but are ultimately successful), it may be because Kerberos (gssapi) is being attempted as an authentication method, and the destination is incorrectly configured (often seems to be CentOS or RHEL):
A nice little tool I came across – [DeltaCopy][1] –
I use [keychain][1] for securely [caching my ssh key credentials when running scripts from cron][2].
I’ve used [putty.exe][1] for doing ssh client work on Windows machines for years.
A tool I’d forgotten about – [autossh][1]. Also an article [here][2]. Thanks Dean.
[ssh][1] is normally used nowadays instead of telnet for remotely accessing Linux servers (and other devices), as telnet is an insecure plain text protocol (and passwords can be easily captured using tools like [dsniff][2]).
[Mary Gardiner][1] [answered][2] one of Voytek Eymont’s questions on the [SLUG list][3] by referring to the [ssh socks proxying][4] post on Ubuntu Blog.
I use ssh to tunnel all the time, especially to get around brain-dead firewalls.
Often a subversion server is on an internal server that can’t be reached by a DMZ server, and ssh+svn isn’t setup. Here’s a quick recipe for ssh tunnelling from the subversion server to the DMZ server and using svn.
To setup ssh and keychain to allow ssh related jobs to run from cron:
howto reverse ssh tunnel
rsync notes
automatically load ssh key on login