5 Jun 2008
I use ssh to tunnel all the time, especially to get around brain-dead firewalls.
But this doesn’t work easily for mysql – if you tunnel a port from localhost (eg localhost:3306) to the target db, mysql client tools will see ‘localhost’ and try to connect via the local socket. Very broken – there’s bugs lodged here and here about this (and lots of chest beating and wailing, too).
Solution: tunnel ssh via an intermediate machine. For example:
intermediate$ ssh -o GatewayPorts=yes -L 3306:targetdb:3306 targetdb localhost$ mysql -h intermediate -P 3306
GatewayPorts – dangerous yes – but so is life.
The problem seems to have been fixed; either that or I was having a very blond moment last time I tried using – – protocol.
localhost$ mysql --version localhost$ mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.51a, for debian-linux-gnu (i486) using readline 5.2 localhost$ ssh -fN -L3306:targetdb:3306 targetdb localhost$ mysql --protocol=tcp -hlocalhost -uroot Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g. Your MySQL connection id is 14788104 Server version: 4.0.21-Max-log Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the buffer. mysql>
Update 2
However graphical tools like OpenOffice Base, GMySqlCC and MySQL Query Browser either don’t obey the – – protocol=tcp flag or don’t have a place to set it, and therefore try to connect via the local socket file when connecting to localhost. Aarghhhhh..
Update 3
Using instead of localhost works for OpenOffice – yay.
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