Ssh SOCKS proxying, DNS proxying, Tunnelling

12 Jun 2008

Mary Gardiner answered one of Voytek Eymont’s questions on the SLUG list by referring to the ssh socks proxying post on Ubuntu Blog.

I was already familiar with ssh socks proxying, but that page has a good set of comments and links. A summary of that post, plus some other notes:

  • setup via $ssh -D 9999 username@ip-address-of-ssh-server, configure web browser **socks 5 host **(not http proxy) to localhost:9999 (On Firefox: Preferences, Advanced, Network, Settings, Manual, SOCKS Host. FoxyProxy really helps with this – you can setup wildcards to send certain URLs via certain proxies eg for when connecting via a VPN to work)
  • http proxying can be setup at the command line (for use by wget, apt, etc) with the http_proxy environment variable. For example export http_proxy=‘http://user:password@'; cmd1; cmd2; export http_proxy=”
  • configure apt to use a proxy via /etc/apt/apt.conf by using Acquire::http::Proxy “http://username:password@proxyserver:port/"; See Using apt-get behind a proxy.
  • there’s also corkscrew (preferred), connect.c, and proxychains to secure other traffic or setup tunnels automagically in ~/.ssh/config. For example:
% sudo aptitude install corkscrew

% cat ~/.ssh/config
    User me
    Port 443
    ProxyCommand corkscrew 8080 %h %p ~/.ssh/proxyauth

% cat ~/.ssh/proxyauth


export http_proxy=''
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