ssh notes

30 Oct 2007


$ ssh -fN -L localport:remoteserver:remoteport hopserver

Optionally combined with agent forwarding and user/hostname mapping in .ssh/config; optionally combined with this in .ssh/config if drilling through a squid proxy:

Host remoteserver
    Hostname remoteserver
    ProxyCommand connect-proxy -S %h %p

To setup an ssh tunnel (4 machines):
<br /> hosta$ ssh -fN-o GateWayPorts=yes-L P:S:Wuser@B
hostc$ some-app A:P<br />
-f – go into background after asking for a password
-N – don’t execute a remote command
-g – gateway (or -o GateWayPorts=yes) – may be required if doing double ssh (ie one tunnel feeding in to a second tunnel); will be required to allow connections to forwarded port from external hosts (ie not localhost)



(image from O’Reilly’s excellent book “SSH Definitive Guide”)

Data between C and A won’t be encrypted; data between A and B will be encrypted; data between B and S won’t be encrypted.

To setup an ssh tunnel (3 machines):

If Host C and Host A are the same machine:
<br /> hosta$ ssh -fN -L P:S:W user@B
hosta$ some-app A:P

If Host B and Host S are the same machine:

hosta$ ssh -fN -o GateWayPorts=yes -L P:B:W user@B
hostc$ some-app A:P

To setup an ssh tunnel (2 machines):

Another common case is where both C and A, and B and S, are the same machines – call them local and remote. There are 2 possible commands:
<br /> local$ ssh -fN -L P:localhost:W remote<br /> local$ ssh -fN -L P:remote:W remote<br />
Both will usually work, but to the destination server (1) appears to come from and (2) appears to come from remote’s ip. (1) would give “connection refused” errors if connections aren’t allowed from localhost (unusual), (2) would give “connection refused” errors if connections aren’t allowed from anything but localhost (eg typically mysql).

To connect, do ssh -p P foo@localhost. Be aware of account name issues ie localhost and remote are different hosts, so a tunnel may succeed but then the ssh command fail due to account name mismatches – hence the foo@localhost.

Some tricks from this article:

$ ssh user@intermediate-server -D 8080 # setup a pseudo socks server; point socks-able apps at localhost:8080

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