A Small m4 Recipe
“They” say that Linux m4 is a useful tool but I’ve never had the time to get my head around it. This is a small recipe.
“They” say that Linux m4 is a useful tool but I’ve never had the time to get my head around it. This is a small recipe.
My notes on Russ Olsen’s excellent book Eloquent Ruby. These aren’t meant to be full and complete notes they’re just things I want to remember; for more details see the book.
I’ve just finished refactoring a large Go program, and the process was rather…. pleasant.
I’ve been playing with Lisp and now Clojure for a couple of years now. Here’s a list of the books I’ve read on my journey to Clojure enlightenment (I’ve still got a long way to go…).
Up late tonight reading about Emacs Lisp, I came across Tour de Babel by Steve Yegge comparing different languages (C, C++, Java, etc), and why he likes Lisp and Ruby so much.
Some notes on ruby, blocks, and procs.
From a discussion ([Ruby – The Non-awesome parts][1]) on the [RORO][2] email list – the differences between Time, Date, DateTime and TZInfo:
I’m busy learning [LISP][1]/[Scheme][2] at the moment (in order to later move on to [Clojure][3]).
I’m bored, so I’m going to learn Lisp.
A SlashDot linked [article on Mirah][1] – Java with Ruby syntax (different from JRuby).
A link off the [RORO][1] list about [Why “require ‘rubygems’” Is Wrong][2].
I’ve started playing with Ruby 1.9 – the latest and greatest version of Ruby. On Ubuntu Jaunty, 1.8 is considered mainline and 1.9 experimental – here are the shell aliases if using 1.9:
An interesting Ruby example of an easy way to setup classes that are really just for passing around data using Struct – essentially a neat wrapper around a hash of values:
A nice Ruby example (for my reference) showing how to parse commandline options; the results are put in a hash called options (created on line 3).
A good summary (for my reference) of the assertions that can be used with Test::Unit ([from Pragmatic Programmers’ Programming Ruby][1]).
A nice ruby example (for my reference) of using here documents to load data/logic. From [Pragmattic Programmers’ Best of Ruby Quiz][1]:
Ruby’s rcov had a workaround for a breakage in the rexml library, but the workaround [broke][1].
Just a small script I wrote to play around with various ways of passing parameters in Ruby:
I can never remember what those comments that change vim settings are called, and spend hours trawling through vim’s help.
As an ex-DBA, one of the things that annoys me about Rails is that migrations don’t have a way of setting up referential integrity (I’m still using Rails 1.2.3, so this may have changed).