12 Feb 2013
I’ve just finished refactoring a large Go program, and the process was rather…. pleasant.
Static typing catches all those obscure errors I wouldn’t think about in a scripting language (Python, Perl, Ruby, etc). My process is:
- type :make in vim (I have a dummy Makefile in my Go project just for vim)
- vim jumps cursor to error (vim quickfix list)
- “oh, I shouldn’t do that” - fix (type type type)
- start again
Finish rather sooner than expected, run tests, smile in knowledge program is working properly.
To quickly setup the make command for Go, type this in a Vim window:
:setlocal makeprg=go\ build\ \.
Or even better configure vim via your ~/.vimrc, for example:
autocmd BufRead *_test.go setlocal makeprg=go\ test\ \.
autocmd BufRead *.go setlocal makeprg=go\ test\ \./..
Thanks Martin for the comment!
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