MySQL SUBSTRING_INDEX function on Microsoft MSSQL
I’m porting some code from MySQL to Microsoft MSSQL, and unfortunately MSSQL doesn’t have a SUBSTRING_INDEX function. Here’s a version I quickly implemented, called my_substring_index.
I’m porting some code from MySQL to Microsoft MSSQL, and unfortunately MSSQL doesn’t have a SUBSTRING_INDEX function. Here’s a version I quickly implemented, called my_substring_index.
Years ago I wrote a post on how to [Backup multiple MySQL databases into separate files]1.
As an ex-DBA, one of the things that annoys me about Rails is that migrations don’t have a way of setting up referential integrity (I’m still using Rails 1.2.3, so this may have changed).
There’s an article [here][1] that explains how to connect to a mysql database from Base using odbc,
I use ssh to tunnel all the time, especially to get around brain-dead firewalls.
See Also: [logging documentation][1]
On Debian based systems, MySQL logging (and logrotation) is setup automatically so I’ve never had to worry about it. Unfortunately, I’m not using Debian at the moment. [replication documentation][1]. Replication on MySQL is similar to Log Shipping on MS SQL; the default is statement level replication, but newer versions also offer row-based replication.
Some guidelines for understanding MySQL security:
Examples of working with multiple mysql versions on the same machine:
Backup multiple MySQL databases into separate files
Connect to MySQL across network using MS Access
MySQL notes 2
Reset lost MySQL root password
MySQL notes