30 Mar 2016
I’ve been using Ansible to provision resources on AWS. Here is a collection of tips and things I wish I’d know before starting.
Previously I’ve worked with Puppet, SaltStack and Terraform for provisioning and configuration management. I understand Maxime Thoonsen’s comment about Puppet giving nightmares:
I remember my first times doing some provisioning, it was running with
Puppet. It was brilliant but also very complex. I had a really hard time
understanding how it worked and debugging it wasn’t the funniest part in
my life. I hated working with provisioning at that time. I still make
those nightmares about it…
I find Ansible more useful and easier to understand than those tools, however it’s great flexibility and power makes it hard to know where to start.
Useful Resources
Here are some resources I found useful for learning Ansible (and Ansible with AWS). However like any tool one of the best ways to learn is just start with some simple projects, for example using Ansible to:
- configure a “hello world” web page on a manually provisioned AWS Linux host
- provision a Linux host on AWS
- combine the two previous plays into one playbook
The Ansible Documentation is actually good for learning Ansible.
I also referred to the following books - I learned something different from each one:
- Mastering Ansible, Jesse Keating
- Learning Ansible, Madhurranjan Mohaan; Ramesh Raithatha
- Ansible Configuration Management - Second Edition, Daniel Hall
- Ansible Playbook Essentials, Gourav Shah
Here are some links I found useful:
- Directory Layout
- Ansible Summary
- Ansible Examples
- Getting Started with Ansible, I, II, and III
- Server Fault Ansible Questions
- pedantically_commented_playbook.yml
- ansible_conditionals_examples.yaml
Some foundations
I use the source version of Ansible, as the versions distributed with Linux distros can be old
for debugging. For exampleansible-playbook foo.yml -vvvv
in addition to the configuration file
, other files and environment variables can be used. If something just won’t work when you know it should work, check your env:env | grep -i ansible
andenv | grep -i aws
Ansible Tags allow you to run a specific part of a configuration without running the whole playbook. However whether to use them is controversial, some people say they should never be used as they cause too much confusion. Others want to tag everywhere, deep down in roles.
My preference is to only use tags to select roles in top level playbooks, giving flexibility but keeping clarity. But I wouldn’t use them within a role. For example:
$ ansible-playbook config.yml --tags="java,splunk"
- name: base setup
- myhosts
- base
- base
- java
- splunk
Dev, SIT, UAT, Prod, …
Often you need a whole set of different variables and configurations for laptop
development versus a ‘real’ environment. Using different ansible.cfg
can help here, and you swap using environment variables. For example:
$ export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=ansible.cfg.dev
$ export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=ansible.cfg.uat
You can also combine this with dynamic vars files and dynamic nodes (below).
Dynamic Vars Files
Variable files can be included in your yaml files to load blocks of variables. You can get more flexibility by dynamically loading your var files:
- name: base setup
become: true
- myhosts
- "vars/{{ vf }}.yml"
- base
Then run your playbook with the dev set of variables:
$ ansible-playbook config.yml -e vf=dev
A similar technique is also useful for AWS tags (AWS is discussed further below):
- name: base setup
become: true
- "{{ nodes }}"
- base
$ ansible-playbook config.yml -e nodes='tag_Owner_sonia'
AWS Dynamic Inventory
There’s many examples on the web demonstrating AWS Dynamic Inventory, here’s some more interesting ideas
AWS and Dev/UAT/etc
Previously I mentioned using different ansible.cfg
files for dev/uat/etc -
for switching AWS inventory this can be really useful.
Your dev ansible.cfg
inventory = inventory.dev
Your prod ansible.cfg
inventory = inventory.prod
Some things you may want to change:
- laptop dev: short caching (instances changing regularly), public ip addresses (using your own AWS account)
- production: long caching (instances stable), private ip addresses (vpc’s being used)
AWS Inventory Spelunking
You can use AWS Dynamic Inventory Tags to match your hosts, but it can be difficult to work out the syntax. Is it:
The solution is to use the lines at the end of the ansible-ec2.cache
file, it will show the exact tags available, and which hosts they match:
"security_group_ElasticMapReduce-master": [
AWS Inventory Ping
Even after Spelunking the cache, it can still be difficult to determine how
to target hosts. I use the following ping.yml
- hosts:
- "{{ nodes }}"
- name: ping-pong
And test it with more complex tag combinations:
$ ansible-playbook ping.yml \
-e nodes='tag_Name_DEADBEEF001:&security_group_ElasticMapReduce-slave'
Other things I haven’t covered yet:
- md5 checksums
- everything as a template not a file
- complex config files: template to /var/tmp/foo, then assemble
- your own deploy script, for troubleshooting