2 Aug 2011
If you work in an IT environment, it’s nice to be able to quickly share some of your git repositories from your workstation, without setting up accounts and ssh keys ie using http.
Unfortunately, a lot of the posts out there on “how to setup Gitweb on Ubuntu” seem to make a meal of the whole process. I got it going after heading down a few dead-ends; here’s how I did it on Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty).
Basic Setup
Let’s start with a simple git repository:
sudo aptitude install git-all apache2 cd ; git init foo ; cd foo echo "hello world" > file1.txt git add . ; git commit -m "initial commit"
You probably only want to share out some of your repositories, not all of ${HOME}! So, do a bare clone of foo repository to /var/www:
cd /var/www sudo git clone --bare ~/foo foo.git
Next, a little gotcha. You need to enable the post-update hook, so that the required info is generated for the http server. The “gotcha” is that you need to enable the hook then do a push to your server repository, otherwise the server info isn’t updated:
cd ~/foo/.git/hooks mv post-update.sample post-update git remote add web /var/www/foo.git ## do a test push cd ~/foo echo "test update" >> file1.txt git add . ; git commit -m "test update" sudo git push web
Now, if you browse to http://localhost you should see foo.git listed, and your workmates can now easily clone your work:
otherpc$ git clone http://yourpc/foo.git
The next step is to setup gitweb, so your workmates can easily browse your code, search for commits, etc. Gitweb is already installed as part of git-all, or you can do:
sudo aptitude install gitweb
The only change to make is to edit /etc/gitweb.conf to point to /var/www:
sudo vi /etc/gitweb.conf ... ## $projectroot = "/var/cache/git"; $projectroot = "/var/www"; ...
And that’s it! Part of the gitweb install on Ubuntu adds in /etc/apache2/conf.d/gitweb, so there’s no other files to edit (unlike what blog1, blog2, or blog3 say).
Browse to http://localhost/gitweb/, and there’s your browse-able, search-able, git repository :-D
But wait, there’s more – automatically push your changes.
As you work, /var/www/foo.git is going to get out-of-date. You could remember to regularly push but that’s boring – automate it:
% cd ~/foo ; cat git.web.push #!/bin/bash cd ${HOME}/foo git remote add web /var/www/foo.git >& /dev/null sudo git push -f web
.and automate it:
crontab -l * * * * * ${HOME}/foo/git.web.push
And finally.
Make the layout pretty. Edit ~/foo/.git/description, add an index.html, a custom theme, some javascript, .
Brian (comments) has added some improvements to my instructions – see below. Thanks Brian!
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