20 Jul 2010
When creating a new Solaris zone, one of the steps involves connecting to the zone’s console for the initial configuration:
# zlogin -C examplezone
The zone then runs through the sys-unconfig script, asking questions about hostname, timezone, etc. When this is finished, the doco says to exit from the console using the “~.” combination. But of course ssh grabs the “~” escape character and kills the entire ssh connection – aargghhh. Solution: different escape characters for the different ssh connections:
% ssh windows -e @ # jump host for Cisco vpn, @ escape character % ssh shamilton@ -p 8022 -e % # connect to HP-NA, % escape character NA>connect ts01 # connect to terminal server ts01#telnet fubar.com # connect to console of target server - finally do stuff, then ~. # do stuff, then ~ escape character to exit zone console, to global zone
See also:
- Cisco – Configuring a Terminal/Comm Server
- informIT – Configuring a Terminal Server – especially the stuff about clearing lines (in addition to clearing sessions)