28 Jan 2007
A useful collection of scripts for helping with pgp, including caff – a script that helps you in keysigning – http://pgp-tools.alioth.debian.org/. In Debian, these tools are included in the signing-party package. There’s also a writeup about how to use them effectively (addressed to the participants of LCA2006) here.
Download, install and configure the latest version (if distro’s version is old):
sudo aptitude install libtext-template-perl gnupg-agent sudo dpkg -i signing-party_0.4.9-1_all.deb cp /usr/share/doc/signing-party/caff/caffrc.sample .caffrc vi .caffrc (change name, key, etc, add $CONFIG{'gpg-sign-args'} = "save";)
Configure caff’s gpg.conf:
$ cat .caff/gnupghome/gpg.conf use-agent no-greeting encrypt-to 0xA8B77238
Check keyrings & produce a list of keys to sign:
cat *md5 md5sum keylist.txt md5dum keyring.gpg grep ' pub ' keylist.txt | cut --characters=31-39 > foo
Sign and send them:
eval `gpg-agent --daemon` caff --no-export-old --mail --no-download --key-file keyring.gpg `cat foo`
- * *Most keys can be imported in mutt by typing
ctrl-k. For those that can’t, save the message as a file then do:
gpg file | gpg --importcomments powered by Disqus