procmail notes

14 Sep 2006

procmail notes

Good procmail sites

Procmail commands can consist of.

  • a statement
FOO=`formail ... | sed ...`
  • a recipe

A recipe consists of three parts.

  • a colon line
  • zero or more condition lines
  • an action section
 * From: ...

An action is one of.

  • a folder
  • a forward
  • a pipe (with :0 fwh or :0 fwb colon flags)
| formail -I ...
  • a curly brace

Curly Braces

A curly brace starts a nesting block ie a recipe can be:

  • a colon line, zero or more conditions, and curly brackets
 * From: ...

Inside curly brackets there must be one or more recipes.

How to do if-else

Do if-else using the E colon line flag

     * ^From: ...
     # deliver to default destination (inbox)
     # else
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